Jumat, 04 Desember 2009

Alert Village, Village Midwife

Definition and Legal Basis
Standby Village is a condition of the village community or village level who have the resources to overcome the potential health problems, disasters, emergency independently. Standby stands ready inter-guard, standby is used in various functions in mobilizing community participation as standby husband, the village standby, standby midwives, and so on. Village Standby (Ready to Take Guard) is a village that has a system of emergency readiness to cope with pregnant women and mothers in labor (MOH, 2007).
Legal basis for the implementation of the standby village is as follows:
a. Act No. 23 of 1992 on health, particularly in Article 5, 8, 711 and 722 and Chapter VII of the role of the community.
b. Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 564 / Minister / SK / VII / 2006 dated August 2, 2006 about the development Alert Village.

Alert Village destination
a. General Objectives
Realization of a healthy rural communities, as well as caring and responsive to the problems of maternal and child health diwilayahnya.
b. Specific Objectives
1) The fall in maternal mortality and infant in Kulon Progo Regency.
2) Increasing the coverage and quality of maternal and infant health.
3) Inter-socialized Guard Ready village in society.
4) Increased awareness of families and communities about the importance of maternal and infant health.
5) motivated families and communities to take advantage of the Inter-Village Guard Ready.
6) motivated the formation of partnerships in the community network.

Alert Village Criteria
Village Ready to Take Keep the following criteria:
a. Having the data collection mechanisms / notification
Inter-Village Guard Ready to have a system developed by the community to record and inform the public about the existence and condition of pregnant women and during labor until the time of childbirth. Data collection forms can be:
- Notes pregnant women
- Map of pregnant women
- Map of health facilities
- Information of pregnant women at high risk (eg with a sticker bumil Risti)
- Notes labor.
b. Own transport mechanism
Inter-Village Guard Ready to have a developed system for mutual cooperation to deliver / foster mothers to be birth, especially the mothers also experienced complications. Forms of transport can be:
- Car or motorcycle owned by the community
- Ambulance Health Center
- Public vehicle operating in the village.
Transportation is its use must have prior written agreement with a vehicle. Vehicles are specially marked for easy recognition by health workers, police and the community.

c. Have a mechanism of blood donors
Inter-Village Guard Ready to have a blood donor group as a provider of blood to the PMI that can be used by birth mothers in need. Form:
- Blood donors remain
Regular donors to donate blood every 3 months to PMI.
- Blood donors are not fixed / permanent blood donor
List of names of volunteers who are willing to blood type to donate blood at any time needed.
Implementation of this blood donation activities to be working with local health centers, especially for blood tests and medical examinations in general donor. This is done as an effort to anticipate the cost of laboratory tests for the poor.
d. Have a funding mechanism
Savings fund system is developed by people or pregnant women who used, among others to:
- Cost of Labor
- Cost of Transportation
- Assistance Accommodation (eating, drinking, etc.)
e. Having a partnership mechanism
Partnership in the Inter-Village Guard Ready is a form of cooperation with various related parties which support the existence of the Inter-Village Ready to Take the next. Of partnerships can be:
- Partnership with traditional midwives.
- Partnership with NGOs
- Partnership with PMI
- Partnership with PKK
- Partnership with the media
- Partnerships with other community organizations.
Partnership mechanisms should be supported with written consent.

Step Alert Village Networking Development
Given the problems that may face the Inter-Village Ready to Take the network should be developed in cooperation with various parties. Being jejaringnya development can be done through the Village Board meetings Guard Ready to Take internally, the Village Board meeting of the Inter Stay Ready, board meetings with managers of health services in the village at least 3 months. Inter-Village Development Ready Keep subtly intended to create community conditions that fulfilled obligations and rights.
Inter-Village Development Ready Keep built with 3 systems, namely:
a. Health Management Systems in Public
For example: Fundraising through posyandu, or a group of other community agencies.
b. Education System in Public Health
For example: Guidance through meetings held in public.
c. Supporting System in Public Health
For example: Support for pregnant women to obtain their rights in obtaining health services included in decision-making by the mother alone. Support in gaining easy access to transport. Support in obtaining blood donors needed at any time.
3 Development of the system can be started with the business in the village facilitators didesa activities. For example Posyandu toddlers, elderly, traditional medicine, boarding schools, mosques health efforts, and others.

Establishment and Administration of the Village Laksana Alert
a. Preparation Stage
1) Rekuitmen Village Facilitator
In forming Ready Inter Village Guard, required the Village Facilitator (FD) is one that serves to coordinate all activities / events that have didesanya. Village facilitators as well as a liaison between the community and health services, Hospitals, Health Institutions, journalists and other relevant institutions when there is a problem didesanya.
Ready to become a village midwife is required Inter Keep living in the village and prepared to provide maternal and child health (MCH) for 24 hours. Midwives in the villages as the leading health professionals who provide maternal health services, infant, child and reproductive diwilayahnya, must be equipped with knowledge and skills sufficient to support the activities of the Inter-Guard Ready village.
Type of training midwives in rural Ready to Take Guard are as follows:
a) Midwife Self Image
In this training midwives provided the knowledge and skills related to: management of MCH services, information and education communication (IEC), digging abilities, to create self-motivation and excellent service.
b) Farm Labor Normal (APN)
A service policy with the method of approach to the care of maternal affection and love your baby, including the active management of third time, as an effort to prevent Post Partum bleeding in normal childbirth.
c) Handling Cases & E Obstetrics and Neonatal
d) other Clinical Training (Service KB)

2) Training IMP (Identification Community Participatory)
The training aims to establish a facilitator candidates to be a motivator or village community organizers.

b. Implementation
1) The formation of the Village Board of the Inter Stay Ready
Facilitators who have formed and trained together existing elements in the community held a meeting to menyampaiakan / socializing activities and at the same time ready to form inter-village committee duty.
2) Socialization at meetings RW / Dusun
The existence of the Inter-Village Ready to watch in the community need to be socialized so that they know and can play a role in it. This activity can be included meetings pad existing in the community such as regular meetings dasa homestead, RT, RW, hamlet, village, and other pemgajian.
3) Citizens Board Meeting Alert, Midwife in the Village, Village Cadre (Focus Group Discussion / FGD). In the meeting discussed about:
a) Registration and Information Mechanism (Motifikasi)
Is a system developed by the community to record and identify the community about:
- Notes and Map Pregnant women in the Village
- Notes the death of pregnant women, childbirth and childbirth
- Notes of birth and death of infants and toddlers
- Map of the rural health facilities.

Step by step:
- In coordination with village midwives, cadres and the public posyandu to obtain the data.
- Facilitator village with a village midwife signaling (sticker) on the books for KIA high risk pregnant women.
- Giving local communities informsi to the presence of pregnant women and labor estimates.
- Facilitator village together with administrators to make maps of pregnant women and special signs (Indicator PHBS)
b) Funding Mechanism
Savings system is developed by the community or pregnant women who used to labor. Bantuk:
1. Dasolin (Social Fund Maternity)
The money collected by the public on a regular basis from jimpitan, health funds or other contributions (dasa homestead, RT, RW, and hamlets, villages)
2. Tabulin (Saving Mom Maternity)
Money is collected or saved by pregnant women can be saved by a village midwife or pengurun, and others.
3. Savings in the form of "In-Natura"
Savings in the form not of money, which then redeemable / sold at the time of delivery. For example livestock, produce, jewelry, and others.
4. Allocation of Government Funds
For poor families, there is the allocation of funds from the government for the cost of labor, through the Poor Health Insurance (Askeskin), Social Health Insurance (Jamkessos) or Certificate Not Able (SKTM).
5. Other donations are non-binding.

c) Mechanism of Transport
Is a mutual system that was developed to deliver pregnant women, birth mothers, mothers childbirth, and babies who need to be referred. Form:
a. Cars or motorcycles owned by
b. Ambulance Puskesmas
c. Public Vehicles (Becak, etc.) are managed or operated in the village.

d) Group of Blood Donors
Is a group of blood donors in the community as a living donor, is used by all citizens in need. Form:
1. Blood donors remains
Regular donors to donate blood every 3 months was recorded in PMI.
2. Blood donors are not fixed
The form of a list of names along with the blood of volunteers who are willing to donate, either routinely or incidental when required, incorporated in the Blood Donor Association of Indonesia (PDDI) in the village.
Terms of donors: the medical requirements.

To maintain its existence in the middle of society, the village board the Inter-Guard Ready to hold regular meetings monthly or quarterly, together with the facilitators in the village and village midwives, to address existing problems, work plans and other information related to maternal and infant health.

Role of Village Organizations Ready to Take Guard (ALERT)
1). Village Head
As the chief person in charge of activities has a duty to:
a) Provide policy support, facilities and funds for the implementation of the Inter-Guard Ready village.
b) Coordinating the mobilization of communities to utilize health services particularly related to pregnant women and infants didesanya.
c) Mobilizing communities to take an active role in creating community Standby (standby husband, the village ambulances, blood banks).
d) Follow-up coaching for the implementation of village activities Guard Ready to Take on an ongoing basis.
2) The role of Head of Puskesmas
Community Health Center as one element in a prepared village organizations have the role as follows:
a) Conducting advocacy and community mobilization.
b) Facilitating the establishment of the Inter-Village Guard Ready.
c) Provide technical assistance in the form of orientation, training and development of village resources Inter-Guard Ready.
d) Conducting monitoring, evaluation and supervision on the implementation of the Inter-Village Guard Ready.
3) Role of Facilitator
Facilitators as chairman of the implementation of the Village daalam Inter Guard Ready to have the following roles:
a) Facilitate the establishment of the Inter-Village Guard Ready diwilayahnya respectively.
Here the facilitator role in the formation of prepared villages in the region.
b) Conducting raising community solidarity to participate in the implementation of the Inter-Village Guard Ready.
Here the facilitator to help develop UKBM and matters related to the other, for example PHBS, health funds, tabulin, and ambulance dasolin village.
c) To encourage community members to be able to express their opinions and dialogue with other community members, leaders / community leaders, health workers, and other community elements involved in the implementation of the Inter-Village Guard Ready.
Alert Village Facilitators assist in solving any problems in their area in consultation with.
d) To coordinate the implementation of the Inter-Village Ready to Keep an ongoing basis.
The facilitator of each month to have a meeting with the cadres and other community leaders.
e) Being a liaison between the community and health service facilities.
Facilitators assist health workers in the implementation of prepared villages in the region.
4) The role of the PKK
PKK in the implementation of the Inter-Village Guard Ready to have the following roles:
a) To take part actively in the implementation of community based health efforts (UKBM) that support the implementation of the Inter-Village Ready to Keep, such as group foster interest in maternal and child health (KPKIA), posyandu, and others.
b) mobilization of communities to realize the Standby (Alert Husband, standby ambulances, blood banks, etc.)
c) Mobilize the community to be present and actively participated in the Inter-Village Guard Ready.
5) The role of People Society / Religion
a) Provide support and motivate the people to the existence of the Inter-Village Guard Ready socially acceptable.
b) Come play a role in the socialization of the Inter-Village Ready to Keep the meetings held in the village, and through lectures at mosques or other places of worship.
c) To provide feedback or suggestions for the sustainability of the Village to build Inter Guard Ready.

The role of Hamlet
a. Village Head
Village Chief of activity as the person in charge has the duty to:
1) Take the implementation of the hamlet jawan standby.
2) mobilization of communities to take an active role in creating community Standby (standby husband, transport mode, the blood bank).
3) Conduct training activities for the implementation of the Inter-Village Ready to Keep an ongoing basis.
b. Role LPMD Village
LPMD as one element in a group of Inter Guard Ready Hamlet also has a role as follows:
1) Provide advice and input in the implementation of the Inter-Guard Ready Hamlet.
2) Mobilizing communities in the excavation community resources needed by the community.
3) With Head Hamlet participate in solving problems related to the implementation of the Inter-Village Guard Ready.
c. Role of Village Facilitators (midwife or Cadre)
Facilitator as chairman in the implementation of the Inter-Village Ready to Take the following roles:
1) Do-raising community solidarity to participate in the implementation of the Inter-Guard Ready Hamlet.
2) To encourage community members to be able to express their opinions and dialogue with other community members, leaders / community leaders, health workers, and other community elements involved in the implementation of the Inter-Village Guard Ready.
3) To coordinate the implementation of the Inter-Guard Ready Village.
d. The role of PKK Village
PKK in the implementation of the Inter-Village Ready to Take the following roles:
1) To take part actively in the implementation of health measures that support the implementation of the Inter-Guard Ready Hamlet, such as fostering interest in the health of mothers and children (KPKIA), Posyandu.
2) mobilization of communities to realize the Standby (Alert Husband, standby ambulances, blood banks, and others.
3) Mobilizing the community to be present and actively participated in the Inter-Village Guard Ready.
e. Role of People Society / Religion
1) Provide support and motivate the people to the existence of the Inter-Village Ready to Keep socially acceptable.
2) Come play a role in the socialization of the Inter-Guard Ready Hamlet through meetings held in the village, and through lectures at mosques or other places of worship.
3) Provide input or suggestions are built for survival Inter Village Guard Ready.

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